S-109 2-min STYLUS installed in YOUR Edison “C” or “K” or “S” Reproducers. You must send the reproducer to us: WE do the stylus installation. Please note: Limit 1.
The procedure for overhauling a Model C (or K or S) reproducer is this:
The stylus bar is examined for the existence of a needle. If there is no needle or if it if broken, it is replaced. If the original needle is there but the tracking surface is worn, the needle is extracted and the needle bar is prepared for a good needle. The needle is extracted, cleaned, rotated, and re-set correctly. The needle is now as good as new.
The tracking surface in a 2-minute stylus is like a circular door knob. One portion of the circle gets all the action pulling out the sound from the groove, while the remainder of the round surface is unused and considered “new”. The round surface (actually the front of the stylus bar shaft) can be rotated [that’s where the time and labor costs come in] so that the unused portion becomes the new tracking surface. It is in effect a new needle, like it was originally. Re-use of an original stylus is much preferred over replacing it with a new stylus when they both perform alike.
This service will provide most of the necessary parts to make YOUR 2-minute BRASS BODY reproducer working again like new. If the hinge block is broken or damaged, there may be additional charges. Also please BE ADVISED: If your reproducer body is made of pot metal and the hinge block screw hole is damaged, there may be other charges to repair/replace the bad body.
You have 2 options to get this service: (1) Place this order through this web site – include your mailing and email addresses , OR (2) Make a copy of the order form (found here), then fill it out completely and send it along with the reproducer to my address shown on the order form. Do NOT send payment. After the reproducer is examined I email you an explanation and full cost of what the reproducer needs. If you approve to continue, I will email you the PayPal invoice for the needed repairs. Turn around time is about two weeks. The photos show a typical Edison Model “C” reproducer. (The reproducer is NOT part of this sale.) NOTE: We do not sell the stylus only.
Email [email protected] if you have more questions. No phone calls, please.
Please note: No international sale for this item. USA sale only!